Who We Are

Since 1998, Generations United’s National Center on Grandfamilies has been a leading voice for families headed by grandparents, other relatives, and close family friends. The Center’s work is guided by GRAND Voices, a national network of grandfamily caregiver advocates.

Additionally, through the Center, Generations United leads an advisory group of caregivers and organizations that sets the national agenda to advance public interest in support of these families. Center staff are trusted voices on Capitol Hill, and they provide training and tailored assistance to advocates and practitioners and raise awareness about the strengths and needs of grandfamilies through media outreach and awareness-raising events.

The Center releases the annual State of Grandfamilies and Kinship Care report and a broad range of guides, fact sheets, and tools for grandfamilies, which cover issues from educational and healthcare access to financial and legal supports.

Resources can be found at gu.org and grandfamilies.org

Generations United

Generations United’s mission is to improve the lives of children, youth, and older adults through intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programs for the enduring benefit of all. For more than three decades, Generations United has been the catalyst for policies and practices stimulating cooperation and collaboration among generations, evoking the vibrancy, energy, and sheer productivity that result when people of all ages come together. We believe that we can only be successful in the face of our complex future if diversity—in age, race, and other dimensions—is regarded as our greatest national asset and fully leveraged. Generations United tackles current issues from an intergenerational solutions perspective conducting signature research producing reports analyzing issues and articulating clear recommendations; and convening public events featuring expert commentary, program and policy examples, and personal stories.